About Us

The philosophy behind Zooni - Kashmir Originals is to introduce the authentic work of the hardworking Kashmiri craftsmen and bring it to the forefront. This not only helps in promoting the skilled handiwork, but also provides a beautiful end product to brighten the lives of people in our country.

Each piece that we own is made out of pure love and dedication, and holds a special place in our heart. Every product is unique and one-of-its-kind and is aimed at bringing joy and happiness to whoever owns it.

We believe in quality work, honesty and dedication, and above all, we believe in making you happy.


The origin of our name Zooni lies in Kashmir.

Born in a small village in Kashmir, Habba Khatoon, the Nightingale of Kashmir, was a poet from the sixteenth century. Her real name was Zoon, a Kashmiri name that roughly translates to the moon. 

Zooni, therefore, means beloved, the moon or denotes immense beauty. 


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